About Us
Law Firm
E. Arvaniti & Associates E.N.Y. is a law firm based in Thessaloniki.
We offer legal services mainly to major legal entities with a focus on solving problems, providing solutions and getting results as regards
general corporate and commercial law, energy law, real estate law and administrative and public law.
Our litigation department represents clients in litigation before courts and arbitral tribunals touching upon all the above areas of law.
Our first priority is never to lose sight of our clients’ strategy and goals.
Our goal is to provide a complete range of legal services to cover our clients’ needs from start to finish. We pride ourselves οn our professionalism, attention to detail and availability.
The service we provide is inventive and customized on our clients’ needs.
Practice Areas

Our firm provides a complete range of legal services on all aspects of setting up and running a business based on our clients’ needs, goals and requirements. Within this context we provide not only one-off advice on suitable structures for establishing a business and on compliance with the regulatory framework, but also regular advice on day-to-day and extraordinary issues. We also advise on, draft and negotiate all types of commercial contracts, including joint venture agreements. Our firm is also able to provide a comprehensive service to our clients not only on the advisory level but also on active litigation in the aforementioned legal sector through a team of attorneys who combine litigation experience with experience in the advisory aspect of the relevant legal fields.

Our firm provides a complete range of legal services on all aspects of acquisition and securing land access for major gas projects in Greece. We also provide legal services and advice related to environmental and technical permits for the aforementioned projects.

Our firm provides comprehensive advice in every type of real estate or real estate-related transaction and in all sectors of law property and property rights, including advice to major technical companies on cadastral law issues and on implementing cadastral in several areas and districts of Greece and also to major Greek banks supporting and advising them with the process of study, manage and advise on their property rights in order to be registered with the Greek National Cadaster.
Our firm is also able to provide a comprehensive service to our clients not only on the advisory level but also on active litigation in the aforementioned legal sector through a team of attorneys who combine litigation experience with experience in the advisory aspect of the relevant legal fields

Our firm provides advice to both public and private sector on all contentious and non-contentious matters arising from State awarded contracts, and other mixed use entity projects, and public sector law. We provide legal support and advice to our private sector clients for participating in public procurement tenders as well as direct negotiation procedures and successful bidders in their entry into administrative contracts. We also continue to assist and support them with the challenges of entering into a public contract. We are specialized in advising companies from a broad range of sectors on all aspects of their participation. We have experience on acting for both tendering authorities and bidders in tender procedures, especially tenders relating to infrastructure and technical surveys.
Our firm is also able to provide a comprehensive service to our clients not only on the advisory level but also on active litigation in the aforementioned legal sector through a team of attorneys who combine litigation experience with experience in the advisory aspect of the relevant legal fields.
Εξωδικαστικός μηχανισμός ρύθμισης χρεών επιχειρήσεων
Η υπερχρέωση των επιχειρήσεων είναι αναμφίβολα ένα από τα σημαντικότερα οικονομικά προβλήματα των τελευταίων ετών και πολλές επιχειρήσεις, όλων των μεγεθών, μολονότι είναι βιώσιμες αδυνατούν να ανταποκριθούν στις δανειακές τους υποχρεώσεις. Λύση σε αυτό το οξύ πρόβλημα, έρχεται να δώσει ο νέος Νόμος 4469/2017 που αφορά τον εξωδικαστικό μηχανισμό ρύθμισης οφειλών και προβλέπει την διαδικασία ρύθμισης όλων των οφειλών μιας επιχείρησης προς το σύνολο των πιστωτών της, δηλαδή σε τράπεζες, εφορίες, ασφαλιστικά ταμεία, λοιπούς ιδιώτες κλπ.
Ο νέος Νόμος αφορά όλες τις επιχειρήσεις, μικρές, μεσαίες, μεγάλες, ακόμη και τις ατομικές επιχειρήσεις και θα ενεργοποιηθεί στις 3 Αυγούστου 2017 οπότε και θα τεθεί σε λειτουργία η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα από την Γενική Γραμματεία Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων και Διοικητικής Υποστήριξης του Υπουργείου Οικονομικών σε συνεργασία με την Ειδική Γραμματεία Διαχείρισης Ιδιωτικού Χρέους, και θα παραμείνει σε ισχύ έως τις 31-12-2018, καταληκτική ημερομηνία της υποβολής αιτήσεως για ένταξη στον εν λόγω Νόμο.
Η δικηγορική εταιρεία «Ε.Ν.Υ. – Ε.ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΤΕΣ» με πολυετή εμπειρία στην συμβουλευτική και στη μαχόμενη δικηγορία, καθώς και στη διαχείριση και αναδιάρθρωση τραπεζικών δανείων, παρέχει εξειδικευμένες νομικές και οικονομικές υπηρεσίες και αναλαμβάνει την υποστήριξη της διαδικασίας υπαγωγής στις ευεργετικές διατάξεις του Ν.4469/2017 περί εξωδικαστικού μηχανισμού ρύθμισης οφειλών της επιχείρησής σας.
Η ιστοσελίδα μας θα ενημερώνεται διαρκώς με όλα τα νέα που αφορούν τον εξωδικαστικό μηχανισμό
(υπουργικές αποφάσεις, ερμηνευτικές εγκύκλιοι, νέα και ειδήσεις)

Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG is a joint venture company established with the purpose of planning, developing and building the TAP natural gas pipeline. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline project proposes the most direct, logical and cost-effective connection for transportation of natural gas from the Caspian - starting at the Greek-Turkish border, transiting Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, and coming ashore in Southern Italy. The TAP route will be approximately 870 kilometres in length (Greece 553 km; Albania 209 km; offshore Adriatic Sea 105 km; Italy 5 km).
Our firm participated in the TAP Project and has provided legal services related to the Secure Land Access process and to the acquisition of property rights through Voluntary Agreements for purchase, lease, easement, and compensation with the Project Affected Persons of the pipeline route according to EBRD requirements and principles. We fully supported and advised TAP AG during contract signing procedure providing specialized legal services for all the relevant activities. We also supported and advised TAP AG during forced process and provided extended legal services for all the related to the forced process activities, including beneficiaries’ judicial and administrative recognition, representing client before courts on all types of litigation for TAP project.

Since 2008 the partner Mrs Arvaniti and since 2014 ENY Law Firm up today is the exclusive legal advisor of GEODATABANK SA a company which has undertook as a unique and specialized subcontractor of FIRST DATA S.A. – among other similar services-, the completion and submission of Property Declaration Forms, Objections and other applications or actions for the property rights (ownership, mortgages and other encumbrances e.t.c) of 10 Greek and Foreign Banks and Financial Institutions for the purposes of the establishment of the Greek National Cadaster. ENY is responsible for providing all necessary legal services and advice related to the property rights of the banks, their particularities, any necessary legal actions for their correct registration at the Cadaster, the legal management of any deficiencies of the property rights or any necessary legal actions related to them in order to be registered correctly, including legal processing and studying of the respective legal documents (i.e. contracts, court decisions etc.), legal advice for the submission of objections against the registration of a property right, legal representation and appearance before the competent courts or committees to support the submitted objections or to contradict to an objection of an opponent.

Since 1999 and for more than 15 years the partner Mrs Arvaniti was the exclusive legal advisor of technical studies for the implementation and establishment of National Cadaster in several areas and regions of Greece, namely Establishment of National Cadastre in the Municipalities Philippon, Eleftheroupolis, Eleftheron & N. Peramou of the Region of Kavala, Establishment of National Cadastre in the Municipalities Ag.Andreas, N. Iraklitsa, Keramoti of the Region of Kavala, Establishment of National Cadastre in the Municipalities Agios Nikolaos, Nikiti, Sarti of the Region of Chalkidiki, Establishment of National Cadastre in 8 Municipalities of the Region of Thessaloniki (Ag. Pavlou, Efkarpias, Neapoleos, Pefkon, Polichnis, Stavroupoleos, Sykeon, Triandrias. Mrs Arvaniti was the senior legal advisor responsible for the legal processing and studying of the respective legal documents (i.e. contracts, court decisions etc.) in order to approve a property right for registration, the legal processing of any objections submitted against the registration of a property right and the legal support and advice of the competent committees responsible for the hearing and the ruling upon the submitted objections of the owners.
Find Us
ENY Law Firm
E. Arvaniti & Associates
Υπεύθυνη επικοινωνίας Θεσσαλονίκης
Βιβή Λιόλια - info@enylawservices.gr
+30 2310 888950
+30 2310 888958
Η εταιρεία μας διαθέτει υποκαταστήματα σε
- Αλεξανδρούπολη
- Κομοτηνή
- Δράμα
- Καβάλα
- Σέρρες
- Καστοριά
21, 25th Martiou Str.
54645, Thessaloniki